Pool Service for greater HOUSTON

Why Choose Marvin for your House?

Welcome to Manning Pool Service, your premier partner for all your pool service needs. With a passion for crystal-clear waters and a commitment to exceptional customer satisfaction, we are your go-to destination for pool maintenance, repair, and renovation services.

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to transforming your pool into a pristine oasis, where relaxation and enjoyment take center stage.

Marving Pool Service provides exceptional pool maintenance, pool equipment repair, and pool renovations to all of Greater Houston. You can Trust Us in your backyard for hands free relaxation and recreation. Our customer service cannot be beat!

Whether you’re a homeowner seeking routine maintenance or a commercial property manager or business in need of comprehensive pool solutions, our Pool Service is here to make your aquatic dreams a reality

About us

Marvin Pool Service: Houston Pool Cleaning Experts You Can Trust

Marvin Pool Service is your one-stop-shop for Houston pool cleaning, maintenance, and pool equipment repair. Our mission is to build an inspired and knowledgeable team of people whom consistently offer outstanding customer service to the Houston area. We understand your pool is your investment – let us make it a fun, safe, and beautiful experience.

Founded in 2001 by Jeff Manning, Jeff has provided extensive pool service and repair expertise for the Greater Houston Area.

Marvin has guided his sons to become masters in the trade and looks forward to one day handing over the keys to the kingdom.


At Marvin Pool Service, we understand the care your pool requires. We also understand that life gets busy, and regular maintenance may be outside your ability to do yourself. With our team of experts, you can leave the maintenance up to us so you can relax and enjoy your backyard. Find out how our pool cleaning services in Houston can help you care for your pool.

Pool Maintenance

Weekly Pool Maintenance,Drain and Clean,Special Clean

Pool Repair

Pool Equipment Repair, Warranty Claims,Pool Automation,Chlorine to Saltwater Conversion,Tile Cleaning

Pool Remodeling

Pool Renovation,PebbleTec® Pool Resurfacing,Pool Spa Installation,LED Pool Lighting

Magni Dolores

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Nemo Enim

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque

Eiusmod Tempor

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi

Our Mission

Dar atención personalizada y profesional para cumplir y satisfacer las necesidades y los sueños de nuestros clientes y amigos.

Our Plan

Dar un servicio integrado, desde el proyecto, construcción, equipamiento, acabado, asesoría, calentamiento, tratamiento químico del agua, etc.

Our Vision

Consolidarse y mantenerse como una empresa líder en el mercado, manteniendo la excelencia y calidad de nuestros productos y servicios como resultado del esfuerzo y compromiso de cada uno de los colaboradores del equipo al que pertenecemos, a través de un servicio integral.

Our Care

No solo es “Vender”, nosotros vamos más ella de esto, y es “servir” y darle al cliente la certidumbre que está adquiriendo un “Servicio Profesional y de Calidad”, y que se sienta atendido desde el primer contacto. Ser una empresa donde el cliente encuentre un “Servicio Integral” para realizar el sueño en adquirir una Piscina.

Marvin Ferrera

Founder y Dueño de la Tienda.


Sara Molina





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Contar con un buen equipo de trabajo, sin duda, mejora la productividad. Y, nos ayuda como negocio a alcanzar nuestros objetivos en un menor periodo de tiempo.

Marvin Ferrera


Sarah Molina

Product Manager Cofudadora

William Anderson


Amanda Jepson



Los precios publicados en la página www.marvinpoolservice.com pueden variar según el servicio a realizar.


$0 / month

  • Aida dere
  • Nec feugiat nisl
  • Nulla at volutpat dola
  • Pharetra massa
  • Massa ultricies mi


$29 / month

  • Aida dere
  • Nec feugiat nisl
  • Nulla at volutpat dola
  • Pharetra massa
  • Massa ultricies mi


$49 / month

  • Aida dere
  • Nec feugiat nisl
  • Nulla at volutpat dola
  • Pharetra massa
  • Massa ultricies mi


Our pool experts are here to help you answer your pool related questions...

  • Can I save money by running my pumps at night instead of during the day?

    The short answer is no. There is really no difference in the amount of energy used at night than during the day. The most common pump houses a 2 HP motor and uses 0.12 cents per kilowatt hour. A typical run schedule is 10 hours in the winter and 12 hours in the summer, so you are looking at a little over $2 per day. It is crucial to run the pump during the hottest, sunniest time of the day so that you are circulating, filtering, and chlorinating when algae is most actively reproducing. Why This Is Important: It’s important because people who run the pump during the night are leaving stagnant water in the pure sunlight and thus begging for algae.

  • With a pool/spa control system you can set when your pump should come on, when the lights should turn on, when the heater should start heating the pool, and more! You can set schedules from the outdoor control panel, wireless handheld remote, or from the convenience of your smartphone with the right accessories.

  • Backwash while the pool pump is off by following these steps: Put your multi port valve in the “backwash” position. Turn the pump on and let it run for 1 minute, or until you don’t see any dirt coming through sight glass anymore. Turn the pump off. Put valve in the “rinse” position and let run for 30 seconds. Now, put the valve back in the “filter” position and turn the pump on. The final step is adding DE (diatomaceous earth). Ignore this step if you have a sand filter. Refer to the manufacturers instructions on your filter to find how much DE to add after a backwash. Why This Is Important: It’s important to keep pressure down on the filter.

  • Pool cleaning and maintenance services typically include a range of tasks to ensure your pool remains clean, safe, and functioning properly.

  • It is generally recommended to have your pool cleaned and maintained at least once a week. Regular maintenance helps to keep the water clean, balanced, and free from debris. However, the frequency may vary depending on factors such as pool usage, surrounding environment, and we


Comprehensive Solutions: We’re not just pool cleaners; we’re your one-stop-shop for anything pool-related. When equipment breaks down, we have the expertise to handle repairs efficiently and effectively. Your pool is in good hands with us.

Our Address

A108 Adam Street, New York, NY 535022

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+1 5589 55488 55
+1 (281) 799-5281

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